Sarah Bernhardt Peony (Bare Root) - Pick up only

Sarah Bernhardt Peony (Bare Root) - Pick up only


This fragrant highly productive heirloom peony was bred in 1906 in France and is a mainstay of cut flower growers and gardeners alike. Its huge gently pink fluffy blooms sit atop strong stems.

In the case of peonies, bigger is definitely better! These bare root peonies have a whopping 6 to 8 eyes!! That means they’ll reach their full potential much quicker. If well cared for, peony plants can live over 50 years — so this plant may well outlive you!

Type: Lactiflora

Bloom period: Late

Form: 1 Bare root

Size: 6-8 eyes

Pick up only at our location in Lynden, ON starting in November.

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